The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery!
The weekend is the time that me and my hubby waiting for. Aina finished her class on Thursday afternoon and she will be with us for three days. wow..mesti best punye. She will have lots and lots of fantastic stories for us ..
As usual life goes as what we expected it to be..Aina came back and told us so many stories about her classmates, her lectures , her room , her frenzs and finally her assignments.Mak fast with the assignment and this time she need to present it in front of the class. Knowing Aina for almost eighteen years (of course I am her mom what ..) she used to be very timid, shy and reserved type . This will be her first obstacle.why lah i ask her to join mass comm ..pity her. She always complained to me (ten times may be ...) this is your course not me.. you always telling me that this is your dream course .. That is a true statement. Mass Comm. used to be my dream course since I used to be an outgoing person, I like adventurous life and it happen that my bf pun asking for the same course in ITM.. (dulu-dulu punye cerite..Kalau hubby i tau ...mati i ) .Pity for Aina. But she seems enjoy the course during the orientation week..after the orientation she never grumbled about the course.
So, over the weekend we start hunting for information..The title is CULTURE..she need to choose one sub culture and how the culture has influenced the society and way of life of the generation.. i promised her that i will help her since she had no experience in such topic especially to write the thesis statement, the etymology, the background..i told her not to worry since her mum will used all her varsity skills and experience to lead her to present a good piece of assignment. Luckily I never fail to pay my streamyx bill and the net was available at our home.
First the google search...Fantastic..the information was there. She need to read all and decides which culture that she confident in presenting it. As her mom cum her teacher cum her good friend,I must give her advice.. right! so here comes me.. We have a lot of sub-culture and she need to choose that she familiar that she confident when the lecturer asks her to tell the class about her findings, one that can throw away her shyness of being a reserved type..and the most important is one that she can give confidence to herself.Finally she decided to choose HIP HOP..ha ha something new to me but not for her generation.Thanx to google again ..what can we do without you ..Luckily there is a lot of information on hip hop and i can see her smiling ..the info was superb....
As a mother i feel happy that at least i manage to help her..even though its just a small contribution.I can see her.. searching and hunting through the net until 4.00 p.m and how i wish i can watch her presentation to give her some moral support but i believe my little Aina will get through it well because she got my guts in herself.She got all the courage from us..
Sending her back to the condo was a little touching for me. I can see her crying and deep in my heart i keep on telling her that she will go on successfully ! For me that is the only contribution that a mum can do and I believe all mums will do the same to help their loves one. On my way home i received an sms from her..
So little meant so much !
Full Interview with Free Malaysia Today
6 months ago
Hallo Greatest Mother in the world,
Now that I have got that of my chest..
It's good that you are always by your daughter's side, well me, somehow I never show it. My drill is to point you and talk about the options available, but you decide. Never believed in doing things for my son. Well it builds a distance, but one day, probably he will realise that his father speaks in riddles.(hopefully)
Mass comm is interesting, and challenging.
Personally why hip hop? Don't we have a beautiful culture of our own, Malaysian culture. But that's me, my philosophy and my principles.Don't want to impose.
keep up the "greatest mother in the world" thing."
But the truth is - the greatest mother in the world is MY MOTHER. Sorry to dissapoint you.
Kak, Aina must be very lucky to have such a loving mother like you. ;). I can't imagine how much tears will roll down your cheeks when you have to let her go to be someone's wife.;)